Wednesday 3 September 2008


September 1, 08

Copper from the blood;
Dried into the Perfectionist true colours-
Dirty red with the silver neatly hidden
By the rust.

Roam across Her waist;
Miniature doors with no lock or key-
Always open as your welcoming bed,
Funeral sepulchre.

Little hitchhiker boy;
Take a wild leap into rushing wind-
Followed by the thunder which ends
Not soon enough.

Creepers from your mind;
Begging to the sun to unburden-
Their darkened bark and swaying sins
Beneath and above.

Dusty walking tales;
Untouched but ventured upon-
Steal the shooting star from it's tracks,
Hold your breath.

Give nothing back.

Think about each description actually describing something other than what is said.
The links are there...

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