Thursday 7 May 2009

You and Yours

May 7, 09

You look at her,
Haggard. Tired and limp.
You are pretty
And maybe once beautiful.

You smile.
So she smiles at you and yours.
The lady next to you.
Who is beautiful.
She seems a bit scared as she looks,

He smiles and watches.
You and yours.
A little jealous,
Wishing it were him with you?
Wishing he had what you had?
Or maybe just thankful for the smile.

Was I once a child so sweet?
I think...I think...
I can't remember.

So I look on,
On those who look at you and yours.
Trying to see them. Since I can't see me-
When I look at you and yours.

Not so much a poem but an observation. I was looking at a woman and her daughter if you couldn't guess while looking at two people who looked at them as well. Funny things mornings are.
Felt I should write...something.


Fareed said...

Ah, interesting. Quite.

Rachel said...

Shocked to see you around.

Thank you for the interest

Fareed said...

What good am I without the shock?