Tuesday 24 June 2008

Soldier's Teeth

June 24, 08

Venomous like the flower
that shot out the tornado,
Towards the cracked sky,

May the stars give you
their breath so you may live
with their living shine.

Pearls shaken from my temple,
Glistening my sheer pale skin,
To stare into the eyes of mine,

I'd give you my chilled breath
If you hadn't already taken it.
As you stared into my eyes

Each fleck of shadow within
Yet another story of woe,
Surrounded by rings of light,

I refuse to read the inlaid runes
Upon a single one of your eyes.
Since no breath enters to give life.

To look upon my eyes which
I know are devoid of emotion,
Says a lot about you, My Desire.

And it says even more than that,
When you stare into your enemy
To the self that lies in the core behind

And still kill.

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